April and Davey
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About April and Davey channel
This is a channel dedicated to family and is for age 13 and older per Youtube's user agreement. To us family is the most important thing. We are documenting our journey through this life. We have 6 wonderful kids that mean the world to us. We are happy that you found us!! April loves doing DIY's and is a rockstar at hair. But mostly loves being a mom. Davey has a passion for running and anything competitive. They met many years ago on the dance floor. This channel is all about family. Thanks for watching and we look forward to meeting you someday.
Our squad is
Zade 18
Daisy 16
Ambree 13
Ender 11
EB 8
Frankie 5
For collaborations or business inquiries contact aprilanddavey@famfluence.com
April & Davey Orgill
P.O. Box 672
Lehi, Utah 84043-0672
We love Jesus and Jesus loves you.
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