Bedtime Stories
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About Bedtime Stories channel
WARNING - These stories are NOT suitable for younger audiences.
Turn off the lights, get into bed and plug in your earphones. It's time for a creepy bedtime story. For the discerning horror fan, we cover the most chilling cases from around the world. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries and strange deaths to cryptids, conspiracy theories and the most disturbing of true crimes, all told in a unique and creepy way. Join us every week for a new scary story.
Check out our Podcast! Search Ballen Studios and look for Bedtime Stories or follow the links below!
Apple - http://apple.co/ballenbedtimestories
Amazon - https://lnk.to/BedtimeStoriesPod
Spotify - https://spotify.link/hJciJkAYiDb
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