Behind the Bar
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About Behind the Bar channel
"There's no judgement here at all, Behind the Bar is a safe space to learn about all things bar and booze."
Thanks so much for stopping by to visit us and sharing our love for all thing bar & booze. It's great to hear from you so please join in the chat and debate in the comments, we only ask that you keep it nice, courteous and professional. Please refrain from any abusive, lewd or inappropriate comments - we'd hate for the bouncers to throw you out π
Cara manages Bomba Rooftop in Melbourne, Australia. If you're ever in town, please drop by and say hi!
New episodes out every Mon/Tues depending on your location.
Created by Cara Devine, Jesse Gerner & Josh Moore
Written by C Devine
Filmed/Directed by J Moore
Editing by Rob Nairn & J Moore
Music by aka Will Lovell
Title & Logo Design by aka Richard Birdseed
Filmed at
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