Coalition of the Sane
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About Coalition of the Sane channel
Former Congressman Denver Riggleman is known to have a finely attenuated bullshit meter, and he perfected that BS meter through sniffing out more crazies than most. As the only GOP member of Congress to warn America about QAnon and violence attached to bizarre conspiracy theories, Denver knows where insane likes to hide. With a background in data analytics, counter-terrorism and algorithmic targeting, Denver brings a unique perspective.
Born and raised in Virginia, Riggleman served his country in the United States Air Force as a military intelligence officer in combat operations such as OPERATION ALLIED FORCE, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM and in the NSA. During his service, he gained invaluable experience making facts-based critical decisions under pressure.
Radicals, propagandists and grifters beware. The Coalition of the Sane is the “million pound shit-hammer” that every conspiracy theorist, unhinged politician and hysterical activist should fear.
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