Craig McNeill - FTFE
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About Craig McNeill - FTFE channel
I'm FTFE, and i'm here to stop the stupid from spreading, I started my channel to fight the stupidity of Flat Earth but have come to realise that there is so much more stupid in the world that needs to be opposed. Chemtrails, climate change denial, fluoride mind control, lizard people and more. I'm going to fight stupidity, wherever I find it.
Subscribe to see me attack the stupid things people say, because we DID go to the moon, climate change is real and the Earth is NOT FLAT. And if you say those things on the internet then i'm going to laugh and point at you and explain with REAL science why you're wrong.
If you fancy helping support my fight against stupidity then id love to have you as a Patron. Patrons get to chose the topic of my fortnightly series "Human Stupidity". Join here and thank you in advance.
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