Crappy Childhood Fairy
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About Crappy Childhood Fairy channel
My name is Anna Runkle: I teach people to recognize and heal the symptoms of Childhood PTSD.
I'm not a doctor or therapist. I’m someone who grew up with several alcoholics in the family, and all the dynamics that tend to go with that -- poverty, neglect, violence, and an environment of chronic, deep stress. In adulthood, the telltale signs of Childhood PTSD were all there -- health problems, depression and anxiety, relationship struggles -- but traditional therapies never seemed to help.
When I found what DID help, my whole life changed. For more than 29 years I’ve been teaching a program that anyone can use, whether or not they have access to professional help. I focus first on healing dysregulation, and then on changing the self-defeating behaviors that are so common for those of us traumatized as kids. I'm glad you're here!
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