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About DIYfferent channel
Hello! We are DIYfferent. Our channel is about us sharing our current life story.
A few years ago we achieved a big goal by moving to the warm south, and it's great. We bought an old house that needed a lot of work. We have been restoring this property by using our DIY skills that we have gained from working on all of our previous fixer-uppers.
In addition, we also purchased a retro 1984 singlewide mobile home that we have been restoring as well. We are making both of them great again!
We also show whatever side projects we may be working on as well.
💥 The Best Is Yet To Come! 💥
We've never done sponsorships!
Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for building up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear.
We appreciate you.
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