Dr. Ed Weir, PhD, Former Social Security Manager
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About Dr. Ed Weir, PhD, Former Social Security Manager channel
Former SSA Insider HELPS YOU get YOUR benefits!! Retirement, Spouse, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, Survivor...
Former Manager, Social Security Administration; Former Sergeant, USMC; Former Specialist, Department of Social Services; University Adjunct Professor
FREE MEDICARE HELP from my Medicare partner. Chapter Medicare, 352-841-0632
☎️📞 Schedule a private consultation call with Dr. Ed? https://MyGovExpert.as.me/
Dr. Ed is one of the most experienced government benefits experts in the country and in his (semi)retirement, has made hundreds of YouTube videos in order to help seniors, the disabled, survivors, retirees, disabled children, spouses and others in every state get the benefits they need!
I do not provide legal advice as I am not an attorney. If you participate and ask questions during my LIVE Q&A, you do so voluntarily, and neither I nor my company accepts any responsibility.
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