Dr. G Explains
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About Dr. G Explains channel
Welcome to Dr. G's YouTube channel - your premier destination for true crime analysis, in-depth exploration of high-profile crime cases, and a comprehensive source of information on psychology. As a seasoned clinical and forensic psychologist, Dr. G, brings extensive experience from thousands of forensic evaluations to the table, offering a unique and educational perspective on complex psychological issues. If you're captivated by the intricacies of true crime, I delve into high-profile cases, dissecting them from a psychological viewpoint, and shedding light on the role psychology plays in criminal justice.
Whether you're a true crime enthusiast or simply curious about the inner workings of the human mind, Dr. G's YouTube channel has something for you. So, come along on this insightful journey and don't forget to subscribe for regular updates! Let's together unravel the mysteries of the mind!
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