Gabriella Whited
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About Gabriella Whited channel
When I started my YouTube channel at 13, it was all about creating things I thought my younger self would find useful. That intention carried me through 7 years of making videos. It wasn’t always easy, but one of the best things it taught me was how to show up consistently, believe in my ideas, and connect with people. I still remember the first comments I got—someone telling me my video helped them get their split, that my workout made them feel good about their body, or that my song made them feel heard and worthy. That’s what kept me going then, and it’s what inspires me now. We live in a time when everything can be filtered, automated, and made to look “perfect.” But real impact happens when you show up as your full, messy, colorful self. Waiting for your ideas to be validated can strip away the originality of what makes them special. I’m trying to care less and just do what I love. Hopefully, someone out there fucs with that ❤️❤️❤️
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