Good Lawgic
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About Good Lawgic channel
I am a NY litigator. Frequently, I cover trials and try to help you see the objectives/strategies of both sides.
Occasionally, I drop vids. You probably will like them. You should recommend them to your friends so that they feel loved.
I livestream up to 6 nights week. On weeknights, I start at 10 PM EST. That show is called "The Following Program". On weekends (Saturday/Sunday) I start later than that and host a livestream called "Viewer's Discretion".
3 Goals For This Channel:
1. Entertain you;
2. Encourage you to think for yourself; and
3. Motivate Self-Improvement.
3 Things I do on this channel:
1. Search for truth;
2. Bring humor to law/politics; and
3. Try to simplify the complicated.
3 Areas I put most of my reliance:
1. Trust in G-d;
2. Humor;
2. Unjustifiably high self-confidence;
3. The beauty of math.
You are human. That makes you far more remarkable than you likely realize.
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