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About H0ldenlol channel
Welcome to my side of the internet
Streamer + videos + shorts
My name is Holden Hernandez but you can call me Holden or Holdenlol
USE CODE Holden in the fortnite item shop!!! (Or rocket league)
Twitter: h0ldenlol
Instagram: h0ldenlol
Tiktok: h0ldenlol
Discord: links in bio
Add me on PS4: h0ldenlol--YT
Schedule ⬇️
I post at least 1 video a month And livestream 5 days a week!! I also post a short every week!!
We are on the way to 100k subscribers!!!
This is my corner of the internet and I want to grow and thank you for helping 🙏
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Comments: 1
1 year, 9 months ago #