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About LabCoatz channel
LabCoatz is a science and engineering-based YouTube channel dedicated to bringing you amazing projects and scientific content that is hard to find on video anywhere else. We've filmed several YouTube-firsts (like its first look at both thioacetone and resiniferatoxin: the stinkiest and spiciest chemicals on Earth, respectively), and we don't intend to stop any time soon!
This channel was founded on the idea that people shouldn't have to scour the whole Internet for the information they seek: they should have it all in one, concise video. Information should be easy to get, and fun to watch! And speaking of fun, we don't do your typical vinegar-and-baking-soda science here. Our science is a little more...mad! Boundaries were meant to be pushed, and this is the channel to push them!
To advance, one must have full knowledge on how to advance. Knowledge is power. Those who possess knowledge have its power. And those who use that power can change the world.
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