Nonstop Dan
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About Nonstop Dan channel
Honest, self-funded flight reviews, airline analyses, and bad jokes.
I believe that everyone deserves a chance to explore the world. There are endless cultures to see, places to explore, and mind-opening conversations to have. I want to live a life without regret, not limiting myself by the "impossible". At 12 years old, I dreamt of traveling the world, so I started my YouTube channel to share my passion for flying. Over the years, I have built a platform that allows me to inspire others to pursue their travel goals. As a 26-year-old college dropout, I'm a living example that anyone can do it; if I can travel the world in First Class, hop from the US to Asia for a weekend to visit friends, and fly my parents across the continent to visit me, all on a below-average income, so can you. Join the adventure and learn how to do it. I'm excited that you found me!
Nonstop Dan is a part of OND Travel LLC.
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