PD Evolution
Subscribers: 298k Views: 46m Videos: 263
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About PD Evolution channel
Hi guys, I'm PD, and welcome back to the channel. I simply love cars!
I hope you guys enjoy my videos. Thanks for watching.
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pd.cars.love?is_from_webapp=1&s…
( *** First video: 16/09/2017 *** )
* 1 Subscriber: 02/09/2017
* 10 Subscriber: 10/09/2017
* 100 Subscriber: 10/10/2017
* 1000 Subscriber: 11/11/2017
* 10000 Subscriber: 25/01/2018
* 100000 Subscriber: 08/01/2019
* 200000 Subscriber: 10/02/2021
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