Polymer Clay TV by Create Along
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About Polymer Clay TV by Create Along channel
Become a fearless, playful creator— polymer clay for self-expression, not perfection.
Create Along and Get Inspired with us at https://createalong.com
We are dedicated to Inspiring your Creative Journey, while having fun teaching about the art and craft of polymer clay, mixed media, Art jewelry and clay earring making, including Sculpey, Premo, Fimo, Kato, Cernit, and other oven bake craft clays, 2 part and UV resins, jewelry tools and earring findings, and mixed media sculpting and painting supplies and techniques.
There are many interviews on the channel with polymer clay experts and artists.
Kira has over 35 years of experience creating with polymer clay and mixed media, holds a B.S. in Art Education, co-wrote "Polymer Clay Art Jewelry" and 4 other international best sellers on creativity, creative business building, and the importance of personal freedom and gratitude.
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