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About Reysu channel
I make videos to help you optimize & improve your life. On this channel I explore tools, routines, and ideas to maximize your life fulfillment through optimization. In other words, I make videos about optimizing productivity, digital minimalism, physical health, and entrepreneurship.
Through making these videos, I hope I can find more like-minded people and build a community of cool people!
10 subscribers: Oct 27, 2022
100 subscribers: Nov 8, 2022
1000 subscribers: Feb 19, 2023
10,000 subscribers: Mar 4, 2023
100,000 subscribers: Aug 24, 2024!!!
250,000 subscribers: ???
My real name is Eric and I used to work as a tech consultant at one of the big 4 consulting firms in the US. I studied computer science and business in college. I also lived in Japan a few years ago and passed the N1.
I've always loved making videos and testing ways to optimize and improve my life. I quit my job and started this channel in Nov 2022!
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