Rob Braxman Tech
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About Rob Braxman Tech channel
Alt-Tech. The Internet Privacy Guy. Public interest hacker and technologist.
I use my extensive knowledge of cybersecurity and tech to serve the public good. I care about privacy. I warn you of digital manipulation, disinformation, mass surveillance.
I also discuss alternative communication modes especially with a prepper focus. I discuss HAM radio, SDR, QRP modes, Digital modes when running portable. I am a General Class licensed HAM radio operator.
I'm a successful software architect and have built many enterprise systems. I also have an open-source social media app Brax.Me
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Whistleblowers ONLY: Session ID 05bb4fa0eb018aa603a433ed54d82a9a76bf2011e403c3561b251b25de7ec28c4d VPN with Cloud-Based TOR Routing
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