Salty Cracker

Salty Cracker

Subscribers: 861k Views: 128m Videos: 854
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About Salty Cracker channel

Let's watch the crazy go down.

Salty's YouTube Livesteams: Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday 4:30pm Pacific Time

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Comments: 2
3 years, 8 months ago   
Talks a big game, but it's all about the Benjamins. As soon as anything happens to cut the cash-flow from his monetization, he cries like a baby.


3 years, 8 months ago   
Bullshit. You've never watched Salty to try to get away with a lie like that! He ALWAYS tells us we're being too generous, that we've given way too much that week, and that if it wasn't for all of us, him and Mrs.Salty wouldn't have a home and food on the table. Salty never, ever fails to thank the Salty Army!! And he hasn't been Monetized since about the second month on YouTube which was way over 2 years ago. Are you the jackass pretending to be him and stealing his vids?? So called "Salty Cracker Official"?? If it is you Charlie.. we've been mass-reporting your ass, so you might want to find someone else's channel to steal.🧂🖕🏼🧂🖕🏼🧂


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