SandRhoman History
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About SandRhoman History channel
We want to entertain people with history which is entertaining, visually pleasing and grounded in scholarship at the same time.
Our golden rules:
1) We only use academic sources and always try to stick to the consensus opinion.
2) We always list our sources in description of our videos.
3) We make clear when we deviate from the prior two rules.
Education: Between the two of us we hold two Master's degrees in history from the university of Bern and one degree as a history teacher from the Bern University of Teacher Education. Both of us worked at the University of Bern as teaching assistants.
We wrote an article about our experience as content creators (ed. by Dr. Kilian Baur and Robert Trautmannsberger):…
We also held a few talks about our journey on YouTube at the universities of Eichstätt, Fribourg and Zürich.
We taught a seminar about history on YouTube at the University of Zurich in spring of 2024.
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