Take My Muffin
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About Take My Muffin channel
Take My Muffin is an animated satirical series for adult age group 18+. It is about startuppers and their original ideas. The action takes place in the acid-trip version of Palo Alto, where robots live next door to dragons and walking potatoes while investors pump their money into developing psychedelic boogers and cross-species genital adaptors! And that’s just the nut-crusted top of the effin’ muffin… The plot of Take My Muffin encompass multiple layers of various ideas, countless hidden messages and obscure meanings, intercrossing storylines, deep entwinements, humor and fantastic situations. The series targets audience who embraces modern technologies, who personally experienced business startups and all ups and downs that comes along, those who is aware of decentralized and crypto financial technologies, AI and neural network, and other modern tech solutions. The plot entwines real life principles of how business is really done in the world of start-ups.
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