The Fun Squad
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About The Fun Squad channel
The Fun Squad is a family friendly, fun adventure channel for all ages. FUN is our superpower! Whether it’s a fun story, a music video or a game, The Fun Squad's goal is to give the world fun and entertaining videos! We love to play fun characters: a superhero, a spy or a sneaky ninja. The Fun Squad will make you laugh as they recreate movies, solve a mystery, compete in girls vs boys games, play jokes, play games, act as a superhero, share a birthday pretend to be in another place. Brandon, Sarah and the kids are skilled singers and spread optimism through: a music video, a cover song or an official music video. The funny kids of the Fun Squad (Jack & Jazzy (twins), Kade, Kalia and Kyler Skye) are fun and exciting with unique personalities. The Fun Squad motto is: Never Grow Up! Come join the Fun Squad by watching family friendly fun videos for all ages! Welcome to the Official Fun Squad YouTube channel!
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Comments: 1
3 years, 4 months ago #