The Humanist Report

The Humanist Report

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About The Humanist Report channel

The Humanist Report is a video + audio podcast. This channel disseminates sociopolitical and religious news stories that is supplemented with progressive commentary.

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Comments: 1
Sharon Brown
Sharon Brown
2 years, 11 months ago   
I love the Humanist Report, Brian Tyler Cohen, TYT and Phillip Scott (Diaspora Channel). I am a newd junkie and find that politics is almost all I think about because things change so fast. but I am so disenchanted with it all, I have never seen anything this bad. I guess I naively thought things were getting better because for one thing, I felt that young people weren't so hung up on racism and conspiracy theories and bull shit like their parents, and I know many of them aren't, but man, this hatred is so embedded in the world, and people seem more, and more stupid everyday and as much as I love all your "take no prisoners" policies, so much of how I have changed about so many things, is because of the TRUTH that you all report. But it makes me extremely sad. I want to do more, but what? It's as though nothing will help and nothing matters. The people get out and vote. and still we are shit on. Black people are constantly getting push further and further behind, and nothing gets better. only worse. And with all the things Trump has done and says, how can he even be allowed to run again, but yet, there he is. No one gets held accountable for anything. while black and brown people die everyday. It's all so heart breaking. Why should we continue to care. or fight? I know things can always get worse but hell what's it all for. Thanks for letting me rant. Please, keep up the good work. Sharon Brown


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