Thomas DeLauer
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About Thomas DeLauer channel
Thomas DeLauer has built his name around helping the busiest people in all corners of the world find the time to make small, easy changes within their diets and their lifestyles to not only become healthier, but to become top performers within their respective areas.
On this channel you're going to find close to all the information that you need to begin making a change for the better without having to sacrifice your favorite things. As someone that has been in the healthcare space for his entire career, Thomas brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and alongside him is a remarkable research team that backs everything with science and evidence to ensure that you get the most out of what you are doing.
At the end of the day, this is a channel for you, because in our eyes, if you perform better, the world performs better. Soak it up and enjoy some learning and get ready to optimize the heck out of your life, no matter how busy you are!
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