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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator and CEO of VeeFriends. Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance, and the internet. Known as “GaryVee,” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase, and Uber.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his daily life as a CEO through his social media channels, which have more than 45 million followers and garner over 300 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, Global Citizen Forum, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of charity: water.
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Comments: 1
2 years, 1 month ago #