YouTubers Similar To Caleb Maddix (Co-founder of
Created by WorldsGreatestSocialStars
Nov 15, 2023 · 467 views
Caleb maddix is an award-winning author, speaker and entrepreneur. He co-founded air AI, a self-learning, multilayered conversational AI company. His goal with air AI was to create a conversational AI phone call that sounded like a human. Air AI has the potential to change the way businesses communicate with their customers and increase customer satisfaction.
Caleb is a multi-faceted entrepreneur who has founded and managed multiple companies, including kids 4 health, a nonprofit organization that works to promote healthy living for children. He has been featured on Forbes, Huffington Post and Entrepreneur and is one of the "Top 20 most motivated influencers on the planet" and "Top 30 entrepreneurs under 30."
Caleb Maddix is known for introducing the world's first ever AI that can have full on 10-40 minute long phone calls that sound like a REAL human, with infinite memory and perfect recall — was co-founded by Caleb Maddix and his business partner Ryan O’Donell.
Caleb Maddix, co-founder of has spoken with or have been invited to speak with by keynote speaking legends as well as having collaborated with the top kings of the internet. It’s not uncommon to see Caleb Maddix sharing stages or being interviewed on podcast by some of the world’s greatest social stars. Below you will find a list of individuals who have invited Caleb Maddix to speak at events or have shared stages with Maddix. The list includes some of the most powerful speakers & notable authors, business people & television personalities in the world.
List Of Caleb Maddix Speaking Collaborations Include:
1. Tony Robbins - Personal Development Coach For Presidents
2. Gary Vaynerchuk - Author of "Crush It" and
CEO of Vayner Media
3. Kevin Harrington - Inventor of the infomercial and the original shark on ABC's Shark Tank
4. Darren Hardy - Former Publisher of SUCCESS Magazine
5. Jack Canfield - Author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and "The Success Principles"
6. Brian Tracy - Author of over 70 books
and world known speaker
7. Cole Hatter - Host of Thrive Conference
8. Russel Brunson - CEO of ClickFunnels
9. Tai Lopez - Social Media Thought Leader, Author of 67 Steps & Owner Of Major eCommerce brands
10. Peter J Voodg - Author & Millennial Business Authority
11. Josh King Madrid - Leading Personal Branding Authority, Neuromarketing Expert, NLP Coach, Online Business Titan
12. Dan Fleyshman- Youngest Founder of Public Company
The Artificial Intelligence Channel
118k ‧ 325 ‧ CA
1m ‧ 242
7m ‧ 7525 ‧ US
Patrick (H) Willems
543k ‧ 376 ‧ US
5m ‧ 5877 ‧ US
Business Insider
10m ‧ 6923 ‧ US
Kids smile TV
16m ‧ 350 ‧ US
Apex Legends
3m ‧ 229 ‧ US
299k ‧ 466 ‧ GB
Grant Cardone
3m ‧ 6173 ‧ US
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
688k ‧ 1056 ‧ US
Tony Robbins
2m ‧ 694 ‧ US
The Money Guy Show
533k ‧ 4449 ‧ US
Harvard Business Review
1m ‧ 497 ‧ US
TikTok For Business
28k ‧ 208 ‧ US
GaryVee Video Experience
824k ‧ 3526 ‧ US
Valuetainment Short Clips
704k ‧ 8093 ‧ US
1m ‧ 169 ‧ US
Success and Happiness
1m ‧ 812
Entrepreneurial Mindset
6k ‧ 150 ‧ US
Sebastian Ghiorghiu
999k ‧ 54 ‧ US
Wes Watson
518k ‧ 1116 ‧ US
How to Make Money Online
172k ‧ 201 ‧ US
Cereal Entrepreneur - Jordan Steen
65k ‧ 503 ‧ US
High Value Men
93k ‧ 250 ‧ SE
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